Friday, February 1, 2008


i was in the back yard chopping at a big log with an ax to make a pare of wooden handle bars for a new bike I had, but I was side tracked by a call from in the house. My grandmother was calling me in to watch my uncle rick(who isn't a blood relative) on the news, The newscaster said he had almost died eating a thanks giving dinner he made the night before , I knew it was feb and that seemed strange to me. The report showed the market where he bought the meat. They allowed cats to walk on the counters.
After i started using trash bags ironed together and a bunch of inexpensive white cooks aprons to make a messenger bag. I told my grandmother I would help her by paying for the duck dinner she was preparing to my right. She asked me what part I liked , since I was paying for the meal. 5:13 am.

not long after I had a detailed dream that was set on the boulders against the sea. the entire surface of the rocks was covered in penguins, myself and two others started across these bolders squashing the heads of these penguins as we went, my hand sank in the mass and one bit my finger. In the water close to the rocks where we were. I saw the big white belly of a shark. my two comrads had gotten into the water and I knew they'd be dead soon. so I moved to make my escape to the right I didn't look back i didnt want to see. I met a wall,where the wall of rock ended a woman was. she helped me up then peaked to see what was left of my friends. Pretty quickly i noticed I recognized the woman. she looked like a younger demi moore. I asked her name and it was. we talked for a wile I wanted to tell her about the career she would have. I wasn't sure I ought to tell her about her future in acting and her celebrity husbands.

my last dream I was on a sport bike riding down a freeway with a bunch of other riders. I didn't know how to work the gears and clutch but it didn't seem to matter I just used the throttle. In the middle of the freeway we did a u turn. We stopped to discuss where we were and if we had lost the main group I noticed a man to my left wasn't on a sportbike he was on a old and dark olive green track bike. the bike had a huge chain ring. I didn't believe he had been able to keep up with use the entire time.ryan

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