Wednesday, July 16, 2008


We were in a group of about +/- 10.
Group noise. 
Languid afternoon just after an indulgent feast.
Broken skies, wet grass, and crisp air.  The way it smells after a gentle tropical shower.

We walked to the family doctor, sitting for hours in a brown and yellow waiting room.  The doctor never arrived.  We leave, and stroll through grass fields flanked by white-washed 12-stories concrete apartments where I took Chinese lessons at Mrs. Zhu's.

We stood below A.H.'s parents' apartment with colorful and brightly lit panelized facades.  They are leaning casually against their balcony, explaining it was they who usurped the doctor away.  Their indifference and inconsideration vexes me.  Someone has a broken hip, you see?

Hi Friends, 
We're back.

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