Thursday, February 14, 2008


Card-shufflin'. Bamboo terrace. Slippery hills.

Then, let's go meet Ryan's dad and L too. I tricked my parents. Allegedly, mom had some errands to run, she'll be there in a minute, Alvin will go with her. They're all cross, and if they were stick figurines, their arms would make perfect diagonal braces in little check boxes for those YES/NO questionnaires: Would you like to meet the parents? □YES! xNO!

Three unhappy

In my dream, Ryan's dad just moved to a ranch by the freeway. It's very horizontal and squat and the wood planks are pomegranate stained. Outside is a long stretch of grass the way it was when we first hiked Turnball: Scottish (or as we imagine the Scottish country-scape to be). There is an Olympian-sized pool in the courtyard, but it is too frigid to swim. Everything is new and barren and unsettled in the never-ending rooms painted pink-salmon; plastic sheets, sawdust and dirt still ornament the hardwood floors. They are unleveled.

After peeing I find my dad stir-frying tofu with Ryan's dad, which is a relief because initially he was quiet and difficult. But a rush of festive Chinese couples--you know, the kinds in their 50's or 60's who wear pearls and spritz Chanel No. 5 and wear 2-piece suits with brass cuff-links to even casual occasions such as golf tournaments--come flooding into the pool deck. I become upset because I assume my mother had sabotaged our private soirée by inviting these people. I politely ask them to leave. They ask for directions. I am confused because I'm not very sure where we are so I spit some gibberish about the 605 N connecting to the 60 then the 10 even though we aren't in Whittier at all. By then it is dusk already and the highway moves like molten lava.

Happy Valentines Day, My Dear Reader.j

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe because ive been reading your blog lately, maybe because im slated to visit el salvador in 2 weeks, but i had a dream about traveling to copenhagen and you were coming with me. we had just found our hotel on the beach- it was just like this 'gemini' building i had seen in copenhagen before- built around an old grain silo so the rooms were facing out and the silo was hollow and had stairs and elevators in it. and the rooms were amazing. they had rooms with mattresses on the floor with lots of colored pillows, lots of colored drapes and a record player, lots of records, kitchy stuff, handbags, all kinds of colorful things. and outside, i went into the ocean. you had a scarf tied around your hair like a headband and you had a little cloth bag on a string over one shoulder. i swam into the ocean and it had huge waves, and i went straight up into the air at the crest of the wave, into the air shooting up like a dolphin or a torpedo and then, sensing i was in midair, tried a flip like those divers on tv jumping off platforms. the last thing i remember was hitting the water- i hurt my neck.